巨人奖 简介


巨人奖 宗旨
1. 表扬各专业领域表现杰出的人士,肯定其成就。
2. 向为社会及国家服务贡献的杰出人士致敬。
3. 得奖者以其成就及正面心态,作为业界的楷模,激励时下青年精益求精。
4. 鼓励各领域人士,为社会塑造正面价值观。
巨人奖 评审
巨人奖 评审标准
1. 本年度表现活跃,在相关领域做出重要贡献,并引起广泛关注。
2. 在相关领域提出的创新思想,推动业界不断变革,产生巨大影响。
3. 积极实践社会责任,对业界及社会具有明显的带动、导向和示范作用。
4. 有良好的公众形象,在促进社会和谐和发展方面有显著成就。
Iconic Star Awards Introduction
To be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path.
Being a star means that you just find your own special place, and that you shine where you are. As a great leader, you are the shining star that illuminates the way for others to follow.
The most fundamental thing about leadership is to have the humility to continue to get feedback and try to get better – because your job is to try to help everybody else get better, making the lives of your team members and community better.
Now, it’s time for you to use the success you’ve had to help other people shine.
Organized by the “Asia Success Inc.” Branding Magazine, the “Iconic Star Awards” pay the greatest tributes to all leaders in various fields – the significant figures and leaders of political, economic, cultural and educational sectors. Your efforts and contributions bring positive impetus and influence to the industry and society, while promoting the harmonious development of society.
Good leaders are like trailblazers, making a path for others to follow. Great leaders, however, inspire their people to reach higher, dream bigger, and achieve greater accomplishments. It is about laying the groundwork for others to succeed, and then standing back and letting them shine.
Here, we would like to express our heartfelt admiration to these exceptional individuals.
Iconic Star Awards Objective
1. To commend the outstanding performers in various fields of expertise and to affirm their achievements.
2. To pay tribute to distinguished individuals who have served and contributed to the society and country.
3. To establish the winner as a role model of industry with their achievements and positive attitude.
4. To encourage people from various fields to help shape positive society values.
Iconic Star Awards Judges
The organizer has established an independent jury to assess the applicants.
The jury comprises of representatives from various fields in the political, economic, cultural and educational arena. With their professional background, they render guidance and assessment throughout the application and review process with impartiality, transparency and objectivity.
Iconic Star Awards Judging Criteria
1. Performed actively during the year, made significant contributions in related fields and created a widespread positive influence.
2. Put forward innovative ideas in related fields, promoted continuous changes in the industry and made a large impact.
3. Actively practiced social responsibility and has been significant in leading, guiding and demonstrating significant results in the industry and society.
4. Has good public image and has a remarkable achievement in promoting social harmony and development.