亚洲风云人物奖 简介


万丈光芒耀云际 风起云涌还看今朝!
这些杰出人物让我们看见,成功是经过千锤百炼的洗礼,长城不是一日建成的,故宫更不是一日所能铸成,当我们在看到宏伟和高大时,心中转念一想:十年一剑,其中所包含了多少得历练? 他们的经历,需要社会的表扬和大众的肯定,藉以勉励着我们不忘初心,坚定前行,才能让我们的社会创造出更多的传奇。
1. 风云青年领袖奖
2. 风云青年企业家奖
3. 风云新锐领袖奖
4. 风云创业女神奖
5. 风云杰出总裁奖
6. 风云杰出领袖奖
7. 风云服务奖
8. 风云团队奖
9. 风云品牌奖(10 年以上)
10. 风云产品奖(5 年以上)
11. 风云终身成就奖
12. 风云艺人 / 艺术家奖
查询:+6012-403 9969

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Asia Success Award Introduction
Joint Organisers


A Legend born today could conquer the world tomorrow. The Asia Legendary Leader Award 2019/2020 was conceived for the first time celebrate, honor, and recognize inspiring personalities and companies who are destined to be a “legend” in their own way.
The Award is a spin-off from the renowned Asia Success Award in 2010 based in Malaysia, covering as far as Greater China and nations worldwide. It recognizes the humanities and outstanding achievements of individuals and corporations whose values, principles and talents have won the heart and mind of the community.
These Legends carry with them common traits and positive vibes that spread far and wide. They inspire others with their innovations and positive contributions which have a strong impact to the economy, social well-being, and culture of their nation.
Timeless and Proven Legendary Track Record
Rome wasn’t built in a day. These legendary figures have gone through thick and thin. Their solid years of experience and result-driven mindset have won praises from community. Above all, they don’t forget about their roots and noble mission to inspire others to be legends in their own way. In short, “legends build legends’!
And this is what Asia Legendary Leader Award 2010/2020 is all about. It hopes to cultivate a culture of appreciation of legends by honoring both outstanding personalities and companies whose hard works and contributions in various fields are very much respected and acknowledged in the nation and Asia at large. The Award enables them to feel the pride of their achievements. A deserving tribute to their commitment!
The Asia Legendary Leader Award 2019/2020 is jointly organized by the World Success Economic Development Entrepreneurs Organization (SEDEO)and Asia Success Inc. Alliance which was set up since 2011.It is also supported by Asia Success Inc. Branding Magazine in recognition of the influence and contributions of the legendary figures to the community as well as their achievements in political, economic, culture and educational development.
Rave Reviews and Support
For the past nine years, Asia Success Award has received overwhelming support from traditional and new media. These include over 150 online media and 30 media partners, both at home and abroad. including: Sina Weibo, China Television, European Overseas Chinese Newspaper, Chinese and foreign news agencies, and joint reports, which were highly recommended and acknowledged.
Following the achievement of Asia Success Award, the organizer of Asia Legendary Leader Award 2019/2020 charts another milestone with the development of this award for the first time. The Award celebrate the professionalism, business and socio-economy and humanitarian efforts of corporate leaders and individuals alike in a fair and transparent way.
These personalities are set to be legends and icons of corporate excellence and success and will definitely inspire more legends in the marking. The Award is poised to help shape and lift up their personal and corporate brand image.
The Asia Legendary Leader Award 2019/2020 is divided in 12 categories:
1. Asia Legendary Young Leader Award
2. Asia Legendary Young Entrepreneur Award
3. Asia Legendary Emerging Leader Award
4. Asia Legendary Women Leader Award
5. Asia Legendary CEO Award
6. Asia Legendary Outstanding Leader Award
7. Asia Legendary Service Award
8. Asia Legendary Team Award
9. Asia Legendary Brand Award (5 years above)
10. Asia Legendary Product Award (10 years above)
11. Asia Legendary Artist/ Art Award
12. Asia Legendary Lifetime Achievement Award
Making Impact and Inspiring Life
Success breeds success. We believe the success of the these legends will further help create an impact to the livelihood of the people around the world. The Award is more than just a recognition and honor for their professional achievements and contributions on the community. It spurs them to continue their pursuit of excellence and inspire others to succeed as well. In short, one success leads to another and impacts life.
The Award will also bring virtues and stature to the recipients. It puts them to the global stage in their respective fields and helps them advocate their cause and mission to wider audience worldwide. The results, more legends are born.
Participation of High-Profile Personalities
The Asia Legendary Award 2019/2020 is a five-star award celebration of high-profile personalities, including individuals and corporate leaders from many nations who have made impact to the lives of the community. Their success stories will make history with extensive news coverage, acknowledgements and from the community. Be they individual, companies or teams, they share the same traits: ALL ARE LEGENDS.
Hotline: +6012-403 9969
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